Graduation: how do the younger siblings feel?

Graduation: how do the younger siblings feel?

Jasjot Kaur, Staff Reporter

The year is coming to an end and our seniors are leaving the Pack to venture through the woods of the real world. The much awaited jump from the sheltered nest known as home truly feels bittersweet in these last months. We turned to the younger siblings of graduating seniors to uncover their views on the situation.

Sophomore Tristan Concepcion is anticipating not being bossed around by his brother, senior Nathan Concepcion but not seeing his brother on a daily basis is a definite downside he is not looking forward to. The two brothers are prominent in music and Tristan finds it quite memorable that they both joined Jazz Band around the same time. “I am proud of him for making a big difference in the music program,” said Tristan.


Junior Ajaybir Heir is more than proud of his sister senior Novedeep Kaur for representing their family and making it into UCSB. Ajay finds it hard to see Novedeep leave as she has been by his side for the last sixteen years and they’ve even had classes together at West. The extra room left in the house looks quite appealing to Ajay now but he “wouldn’t have anybody else as his sister, we’ve had so many [moments] together.”

Freshman Chase McClung notices that although the house will be all his with his brother, senior Mason McClung out of the house, the chore load will fall sadly on his shoulders. One of Chase’s memorable moments with Mason happens to be the time they went to Del Valle Regional Park and cliff dived into the lake. When asked what Mason has taught him, Chase responded, “Many things like to try my hardest and make sure I don’t slack off or give up.”

Sophomore Brandon Doan and his sister senior Vivian Doan’s hobby of taking spontaneous trips to the store to buy snacks as well as the favors Brandon always fulfills for her will be at a halt when she graduates. Brandon said that Vivian has taught him to become nicer and more considerate. One of the perks of having his older sister at the same school as him has to be the off-campus food Vivian brings Brandon. When talking about coming to terms with his sister’s departure Brandon claims he is “only halfway there in some aspects.”

The future awaits you Class of 2017, go conquer the world and remember, we don’t love you just because you give us rides to school.