Ready, set, go sign up!

May 3, 2016
Take a deep breath. On your mark, get set and go. Everyone tears their way down the asphalt trying to get into first place, but you know what your plan is. You’re just going to hold off until the time comes for you to peak. Then, you will be the one in the front. Cross country is a sport many question about. There are two distances that a runner has the possibility to run, 2 miles or 3 miles. It all depends on your level. It is one of the only sports that you run outside of the school for practice. You get to see new places that maybe you have never seen before and the beauty of the run can surprise you. You’re all over Tracy having a little adventure while getting the work done. It takes some time to complete the workout but once you finish, you feel so much accomplishment for yourself.
Running is something that takes time to build up to. You have to put the work in, persevere and dedicate yourself to it to achieve a better time each race. “Don’t feel like you have to be incredible the first day you will be incredible [later on],” said head coach Theresa James.
“People should join cross country because honestly it’s more of a family rather than a team…,” said senior captain Simon Franco. Everyone will welcome you on the team with open arms. They joke and have a fun time together.
Cross country is a great sport to help condition for other sports that are in the winter and spring. It helps increase your endurance and running just becomes easier once you get the hang of it. You feel like you can run anywhere. The knowledge of Tracy and where everything is located also become easier.
So if you love to run, want to get in shape or hang out with your friends on the team, then come out during June to Raleys and run with the team. Practices tend to be in the mornings. Make sure to bring water, wear running shoes and have all your paper work ready (which you can obtain from Ms. Klaudia Garro or at When asked what advice she has for new runners senior Bianca Duran said, “Running is really hard, but in the end it will be worth it when you see your team cheering you on.”