Traveling through Homecoming Week

Galilea Avina, Staff Reporter

Before any of us realized, the leaves started falling and the new school year had begun. Most students can’t wait for Homecoming Week, whether it be the dance or the football game. The activity-filled week included Thursday night’s rally. Sophomore Paola Galan attended this event. When asked what she thought of it she said, “I had a lot of fun! The music was alright.” The seniors had a special entrance and got a chance to jump around with their friends. Many of the school’s clubs had dance routines to show of that night. By the cheering and clapping from the crowd, it was quite obvious that students enjoyed this night. This event ended with music blaring in the parking lot and students laughing and singing with their friends. The next day, we would have our parade and our much anticipated football game.

All this school spirit and jubilance showed at the rally was not watered down at the parade after school. Student participants were handing out candy to kids as they marched down the street with their corresponding club. Our Homecoming Court also rode downtown on their royal steeds (the back of a pickup truck or a convertible) and got their moment of glory.  Each class represented a city: seniors were Hollywood, juniors were Honolulu, sophomores were Miami and freshman were Seattle. Of all the classes, the seniors took the triumph with their Hollywood themed float.

A couple hours later our ‘Pack’s football game took place. The overall score was 14-34. Even though we did not win that night, our school spirit was not disturbed. We cheered until the end and congratulated Tokay, our opposing team for their win. The busy week ended and thanks to “Leadership and the participation of the students who attended, we had a fun and safe Homecoming Week. For those who were not able to attend any of these activities, we encourage you to join us in next year’s homecoming.