Teaching healthy relationships
January 31, 2018
Healthy relationships aren’t always defined with a significant other; they can be the relationships you have in a work environment or with peers. Unfortunately, a relationship can be unhealthy and harassment is a serious matter that many are afraid to discuss. Uncomfortable situations that lead to sexual harassment could be very severe. One should never cower and should always stand up for oneself. There are multiple sources to help with this, such as hotlines and close friends and family.
This school year, West has added the Sexual Education curriculum that is required for all ninth graders. While the curriculum is almost as straight forward as the name, there are other topics taught, such as sexuality genders, the difference between consent and date rape and the importance of healthy relationships. When talking to English teacher Melissa Rotondi she said, “We gave them places they can go, hotlines they can call if they were having these kinds of issues, seen these kinds of issues or have friends that might have these types of issues.” It is very important to be able to tell others if you need help and also stand up for others. Talking to freshman Aria Jacinto about how she felt about the classes she said, “I think they should continue to teach Sex Ed to high school students because a lot of us are either misinformed or under informed, and these classes helped with that.”
There are many factors of an unhealthy relationship that aren’t even realized by the ones in the relationship. Solving relationships can be as simple as just listening to each other and communicating effectively. Many couples breakup for the most uncomplicated reasons. It is disrespectful to assume what your partner is thinking just because you might “know” them; it’s best to communicate. When talking to sophomore Kenneth Collins about healthy relationships in general he said, “Before relations can be impactful, the individuals intertwined must be earnestly thoughtful and passionate in whatever be of the purpose of the relationship.” An example of a healthy relationship could be trusting your partner to go out with friends. Being obsessive and not letting them go could be an indication of an unhealthy relationship if done often. There could be various examples, especially if the person can’t say no because their partner is very pushing and it is difficult to end the relationship or make it better. In this situation it is best to tell someone, be it your friend or calling a hotline.
National Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE