Easy and creative ideas for Valentine’s Day

February 4, 2019
What I Love About You Book
If you want to express your feelings towards someone then you should make a “what I Love About You” book. This gift is very creative and can be a sentimental gift. It can also be turned into a memory book just by applying some photos and memories to the book. Grab some colorful sheets of paper and be creative.
Gifts do not always have to be expensive. The simplest gifts can mean a lot to others, such as writing a letter to your friends explaining why you care about them. If you’re taken and have a significant other, then you can write a romantic love letter.
Candy and Flowers.
Give your love ones some candy and flowers for Valentine’s Day. This can be the simplest gift you can give to your boyfriend/girlfriend.
Edible Fruit Flowers
Making a bouquets of edible flowers is really easy. With some strawberries, watermelon, kiwi and other fruits you can make delicious snacks on Valentine’s Day. You can even add some dripping chocolate and whipped cream.
Movie Night
Nothing is better than relaxing with your significant other or even your friends during movie night. Find something on Netflix, make some popcorn and enjoy the movie, easy as that. Wash it down by drinking a cup of hot chocolate.
Dining Out
Going out for lunch or dinner doesn’t have to be expensive. A simple trip to getting coffee and a small dinner with the person you love is romantic enough.
A Jar Full of Notes
Trust me, they will love this one. By getting an empty jar and filling it with notes of reasons why you love them, jokes, or doodles for your boyfriend/girlfriend. you can reminisce on old memories while making new ones.
A poster
Finally, be creative and make a poster using candy bars as your adjectives.