“The 12 months of ’20”

Courtesy of Angeline Tan
December 17, 2020
I’m no lyrical genius or Christmas aficionado, but imagine the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Some mixture of glee, annoyance and festivity might spark in your heart at that thought. Now consider the twelve months of 2020. In summary, this year was a train wreck of epic proportions. Every natural and manufactured disaster hit us month after month, so let’s look at some of what went down this year.
The 12 months of ’20
(To be sung to the tune of “Partridge in a pear tree”)
On the first month of ’20, this weird year gave to me, brushfires and World War III.
On the second month of ’20, this weird year gave to me, mourning beloved Kobe.
On the third month of ’20, this weird year gave to me, a wild toilet paper frenzy.
On the fourth month of ’20, this weird year gave to me, more shutdowns from COVID-19.
On the fifth month of ’20, this weird year gave to me, an explosion of protesting.
On the sixth month of ’20, this weird year gave to me, activism versus rioting.
On the seventh month of ’20, this weird year gave to me, Kanye starts election balloting.
On the eighth month of ’20, this weird year gave to me, Black Panther and Beruit in peace.
On the ninth month of ’20, this weird year gave to me, wildfires ravaging our streets.
On the tenth month of ’20, this weird year gave to me, Donald Trump’s positive testing.
On the eleventh month of ’20, this weird year gave to me, the election of the century.
On the twelfth month of ’20, this weird year gave to me, COVID’s once again rising.
These lyrics barely scratch the surface of the rollercoaster our world’s been through, but we’ve made it here folks!