Although not mainstream as other sports, Water Polo is a challenging sport that can be very entertaining to watch. Even though it’s one of the oldest sports in the Olympics, it has yet to reach popularity in our own school.
Before talking about our water polo team, we should get to know who makes up our school’s team. The captain of the boys’ team is senior Philip Martin, and the co-captain is junior Armando Martin. The girls’ team captain is Senior Gabriella Benitez then the co-captains are junior Bianca Valazquez and senior Athena Pastran.
In our school, water polo is one of the more obscure sports. Many players on the team suggest that the sport should be appreciated more.
When I interviewed captain Gabriella Benitez, I asked her if she thought water polo was underrated; if so, why or why not? She replied, “I do think water polo is very underrated… I heard soccer was a lot like water polo, but it’s just in the water… I wish more people came out and watch us… it’s very entertaining.”
Co-Captain Bianca Valazquez voiced her opinion on how we can make water polo more known at school. She said, “If we had more posters everywhere, and people would come to our games… and support us.” When I mentioned the idea of ways the school can show more school spirit at the games, she agreed with the idea.
Co-captain of the boys’ team Armando voiced his opinion about making water polo more known he said, “Honestly, we need to recruit better; we need to do better, and it’s kind of our team’s fault if anything because we’re really the only people,” referring to the water polo team “who know about water polo.”
Even if water polo is overlooked at school, it should gain more support. The team representatives say that the whole team would benefit from school support at their games. Make sure to check their Instagram for their next home game at @whs_aquatics_. Go to the stands and show support!