Ringworm is an infection that you only hear about in movies or books, but always brush off. It is one of those things you always associate with wrestling but never see in person. Well, it just so happens that a few cases of ringworm have been reported in the West High wrestling team and it is in fact not a myth.
It all started when two wrestlers were contracted with ringworm in the first week of November. It had everyone wondering the same thing, how did they get it? Before that let’s start off with how it is contracted. Ringworm is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact with an infected wrestler or through contaminated surfaces such as wrestling mats or infected towels. This points to the cause being our wrestling mats.
Senior wrestler Jordan Alingas offered his thoughts on the situation and how it affected him. He said it personally didn’t affect him, and he “still felt comfortable practicing”. Even with the risk of ringworm the wrestlers still continued to practice with the exclusion of the contaminated.
If you are ever in a similar situation, a few ways to prevent ringworm are to do regular skin checks, wash gear regularly, and avoid sharing towels or clothing. Even after all these precautions it does not guarantee that you won’t contract the infection, which in the case you do, it is best to go see a doctor.