Art club opens its doors and gives opportunities to those who want to express their creativity through art pieces and works. They have more upcoming events where they showcase their talents in painting, coloring, and drawing.
The club has a lot of plans for the next semester; they plan to sell more of their art pieces and are opening holiday boo-grams for this Christmas and Valentines Day. The club is also working with Mock Trial to participate as artists for the Courtroom Art Contest. Lastly, an upcoming holiday coloring book where members of the club can contribute their own pieces too is also planned to be released soon.
Despite being a newly formed club, they have already contributed their own works to school events like Homecoming and Dia de Los Muertos. They have also developed a strong rapport in their short period as a club. A member of the club, senior Edna Contreras, shares her experience so far in the club. “The environment is calming, and it just feels very nice.”
The officers also share what they enjoy about the club. The president, senior Shayne Hackney, states, “I love seeing everyone’s different art styles and their creativity!”
Vice President, senior Veronica Solorzano, also shares, “I love how I get to meet new people through Art Club.”
There is still more to look forward to from the Art club in the future, the club president Hackney shares her goal for the club. “I want to let the club grow and pass it on for the next following years. I want this club to be a safe place for artists.” Both the President and Vice President are seniors, and they hope that club will continue to stay strong after they graduate. For anyone who is looking to improve their skills in art or simply wants an outlet to express their creativity, the Art Club is open to anyone who is willing to share their talents in art.