Do you want to avoid starting your 2025 with no plan and losing hope? I can’t lead you to getting hope, but I can teach you how to make a vision board. This is very helpful to set goals and manifest things you want in life. Before you even gather resources, you have to set goals.
Some important goals I recommend students setting recommend having a physical goal, a mental goal, a spiritual goal, and academic goal (for students). Other non-essential goals for students and a financial goal, a materialistic goal, or a travel goal. In each goal have subtopics like physical goal subtopics could be eating better, working out more or getting better at a sport etc. I would write these goals and subtopics on a notebook or on the notes app.
Now that you have your goals set you can create a vision board physically or digitally. I usually use Pinterest to find images that could represent my goals. You can use key words such as grades, gym, or therapy and then you can create a board and add the pins you want to it. I organize my vision boards into squares where each category is put in this format and can be used in a physical or digital vision board.
If you want to make a physical vision board, you can print photos from Pinterest or other sources including your personal camera roll or Instagram. You can also cut out old magazines to make leaders for the headers of each category. You can use poster paper or even a corkboard to create your physical board.
When creating digital vision board, you can use apps such as Canvas or Good Notes to create it on a tablet or computer. You can use the photos from Pinterest or camera roll and use the same organization as before. With digital choice you can also draw digital drawings on your vision board.
But how do can you make sure you remember your vision board throughout the year? If it is digital, you can make your vision board your wallpaper on your devices. If it’s physical, you can hang it up in a place that you’ll see it every day so it reminds you.
Make sure you set up one day a month where you track your process and write down what you’ve accomplished or what you’re working on and how much you have worked on it. Vision boards can be extremely important to envision and organize your year. Good luck everyone and have an amazing 2025!