What is Mock Trial? Mock Trial is a simulated courtroom experience where the students of West High School practice legal procedures by acting as lawyers, witnesses, and bailiffs. It mimics the format of a real trial and is for educational/training purposes. They perform these legal procedures to be scored by judges in competition with other schools.
Their first practice round was January 28th, where they got a first hand look at the justice system from their two coaches. The practice rounds and competitions occur at the Stockton courthouse. They are guided by a Teacher Coach and an Attorney Coach.
I have asked two people about Mock Trial and what makes them want to participate. The first interview was with Daniel Vargas and this is his second year on the mock trial team. This is what he had to say about it, “I’ve always been fascinated by law ever since I was young. I found out that lawyers helped people use and fight for their rights”. This is what Daniel said helps him prepare for Mock Trial competitions. “I prepare for Mock Trial by meeting and talking to local lawyers, looking into various cases, both state and federal, and working with my amazing team to find the best argument”.
Teacher Coach Alana Eheler got Mock Trial re-started at West High School. I asked her why she wanted to start a Mock Trial team at West High. “When I started going to law school at night, I wanted to give the knowledge I was learning to the kids”. I then asked her, “Why do you want to help these kids learn about the law?” to which she responded, “The more you know, the more you can defend your own rights and the pledge, and if you don’t know the law, then your rights can be violated. But if you do know, you can protect yourself from the injustices of the justice system and that gives you protection”.