Male Athlete of the Issue: William Yahne
April 7, 2016
Junior William Yahne started playing for the golf team for the “passion to play a sport where there was competition and strategy.” Yahne’s biggest supporter is the team’s coach, Mr. Frederick Russell. “[Russell] is always there making [Yahne] a better player everyday and always having faith in [him] and pushing [him] harder,” Yahne said. Russell described Yahne as, “Consistent, [passionate] for the game and a good example for the team.” Yahne’s motivation when he has a bad practice or game is when he realizes “getting another chance to refresh and start over on the next hole to do better” will get him through.
Full name: William Keith Yahne
Grade: 11
Birthday: January 18, 1999
Height: 5’9”
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Green
Favorite color: Red
Sports played: Golf, baseball
Years played: Golf: 1 year, Baseball: 6 years,
Plans after graduation: To go to UTI mechanic school in Sacramento, CA
Career goals: Professional mechanic
Favorite thing about playing golf: The challenge
Least favorite thing about playing golf: Nothing
Most memorable moment while playing: Making a shot from 150 yards away
How has playing helped you in your everyday life? : Learning to communicate and strategize
Who inspires you to play: His brother
Favorite teacher and why: Mr. Behnam, because he is inspirational, outgoing, motivating and hilarious