Jasjot’s Senior Reflection



Jasjot Kaur, Copy Editor

Life isn’t easy. I’ve never been the best and I’ve always felt like second place. I always feel like there is something that I could’ve done better, could’ve put more effort into, could’ve tried harder on. Throughout high school, I’ve come to learn that life can be unfair, karma might as well not be real and everything doesn’t fall right into place. There will be people you wish you met earlier, people you wish you didn’t meet at all, people you will never meet and people who will never leave your side. My time at West High has been mainly highs and very few lows. I’ve experienced the entire spectrum, and I would say that I have made the most out of my time here.

When I reflect back on high school, I think of a few stand out memories and people:

To Project Smile, thank you. Becoming president of Project Smile positively impacted my life to such a degree that I can’t imagine who I would be without it. Project Smile opened a door of self-assurance, leadership skills, confidence and so much happiness. I have learned to chase opportunities, speak in front of crowds, think on the spot and simply trust myself. This club has helped me grow as a person and I cannot thank everyone enough for giving me the opportunity to help run Project Smile and for believing that I had the capabilities of doing so in the first place.

To journalism, thank you. Who would’ve thought that someone so insecure in their writing would join a class that broadcasts student writing throughout the entire school, an online site, and in local coffee shops for three years. I am so grateful for all that I’ve experienced, from being Copy and Features editor to us winning first place nationally to hosting a Student Safety Forum in response to the Parkland shooting. I’ve been a part of something great, something bigger than me, something unforgettable.

To Mrs. Duff, thank you. You may not even realize it, but the advice, jokes and warmth you have shared over the past four years has had an unimaginable impact on me. Thank you for letting me rant, complain, laugh, lay (on your floor), inquire, learn, smile, stress and lead. The hours spent working on candy grams, procrastinating, geeking out on the randomest topics, chalking and more have been stand out moments that I won’t ever forget and I hope you won’t either.

To Mrs. Escalante, thank you. You have always looked out for all your students and helped guide them to success. From tips to tea, you’ve shared it all and it has truly made my high school journey wonderful.  Thank you for all that you’ve given me, from HOBY to Journalism conferences to simple anecdotal lessons; I cherish them all. And most importantly thank you for dealing with my constant snark.

Mrs. Duff and Mrs. Escalante, over the last four years I’ve known you as English teachers and advisors, now I’m more than delighted to say that I’ll be leaving West calling you my friends.

To my friends, thank you. When I look at all of you, I thank the father, the son and the holy spirit that I ended up stuck with such amazing, supportive, intellectual dorks. From random words and phrases we’ve created to vlogs, track meets, movie nights, picnics and more; these memories are irreplaceable. I don’t know how you’ve dealt with my sarcasm, glasses glares, obsession with Niall Horan and horrendous parking for so long, but I greatly appreciate it. You all are my family and I love you. I don’t think I could’ve gone through high school (sane) without every single one of you. And while I probably am a background character in many of your stories, know that you are a front-runner in mine. I’m not ready for the inevitable parting of ways that lies ahead but the excitement of witnessing everything I know we will accomplish, outweighs the dread. P.S. I better get wedding invitations.

Finally to West High, thank you. Thank you for being a stepping stone into my future. Thank you for introducing me to life-long friends. Thank you for hiring inspiring teachers. Thank you for letting me trip, fall and get back up. Thank you for being my home for the last four years.

Everyone warned me that high school passes by in the blink of an eye and while I did take that into account, I wasn’t prepared for how years now seem like minutes. So many of the people I have met genuinely motivate me in all areas of life, whether it be doing well in academics, trying to be more selfless, chasing my dreams or letting loose every once in a while.

Life isn’t easy and I’m still not the best. I have achieved a great deal over the last four years and I am still growing to learn to acknowledge my accomplishments. High school has taught me that I will reach my goals, I will obtain the success I desire and I will achieve anything I set my mind to with hard work, perseverance and heart. The greatest takeaways from my time in high school are that I won’t have anything handed to me, disappointment is inevitable, there is no point in stressing over spilled milk and most importantly, AP Biology is hard.