School lunch in California is mandatory as a nutritiously adequate breakfast and lunch is needed for the kids. But how do the lunches on different days compare to each other? Students that are in their freshman or sophomore year of high school aren’t allowed to go off campus so it’s almost impossible for a student to not try the food offered at West High School. After a couple days students will either decide to continue to keep eating school lunch or ditch it. In my opinion, some items that will keep students are the chicken sandwich and the chicken wraps.
The chicken sandwich is a simple food served worldwide, and we are lucky enough to have it at West High. The chicken sandwich consists of a well-cooked chicken patty with two white bread sandwich buns. Students are able to add sauce to the sandwich making its taste even better. The idea of the chicken sandwich has been a staple for many high schools alike, and it has had students hooked since it has been introduced. I know in my first year, the chicken sandwich was a daily pick for me and students. We love the chicken sandwich. Will you?
Another item many love, including myself, is the chicken wraps. There are two kinds of wraps. The regular chicken wrap and the chicken Caesar wrap. The regular chicken wrap consists of a tortilla, the same chicken from the chicken sandwich but diced, lettuce, carrots, and ranch. I love this as it’s a healthier option and tastes amazing. I could compare this to the snack wraps that McDonalds once featured. The Caesar styled wrap is the same, but the chicken is sauced and has parmesan. Both are amazing and are a must try for all students.
There are many options featured at the West High School Café, what kind of food will you be getting?